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Version: v11.6.2

Using Camera


Camera Widget can be used to capture images and videos from a Mobile App In this post, we will create a mobile app to capture and display a photo. camera_run3

  1. Create or Open a Hybrid Mobile App.

  2. Create a page choosing  and blank template and ‘One column layout with top navbarcamera_template

  3. Drag and drop a container widget and set horizontal align property as center.

  4. Drag and drop a camera widget.

  5. Drag and drop a picture widget and set its width as 100%. camera_design

  6. Bind the source of picture to the ‘dataValue’ of camera widget. camera_binding

  7. Build the apk, install it on a android phone and open the app. camera_run1

  8. Open the app and click on camera button and take a photo. camera_run2

  9. The captured image will get displayed in the app. camera_run3